Its Not Abad Day | Hedy & Dave's Travel Blog
retirement, travel, camping, RV, RVing, United States
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I have put off writing the final blog post from our Part 3 for quite some time, because it fills me with some sadness to acknowledge post adventure antics and I wonder “have I said everything I’ve wanted to”? Will the words flow, when some time as passed since we returned. I held off summing up the last few most glorious days, because some joyous life events got thrown in to our journey, mixed with some truly sad moments. It happens for us all. I know.  For me, it seems to put a halt to any ounce of creative inspiration...

We left Delaware for the start of our next adventure. Come share some of the highlights of what checked off a major bucket list item for me! If I’m being honest with myself, the chore of finding new doctors probably isn’t as hard as I have made it out to be. And, being even more honest, I think the reason why, is that holding onto some of the NJ/NY doctors we have gives a great excuse to find our way up to visit our people. So as we ventured off, I made sure to schedule some health care visits as a...

Wow, it’s been a month since our last blog post. Clearly if I ever wanted to make a living at this writing stuff, I’d be up the creek without my trusty paddle.  I really enjoy this, when I can get my thoughts to all be in the same place as I am, at the time I’m wanting to write. Such admiration for what it takes for those who take writing seriously. So where did I leave you? Oh yeah, saying goodbye to that slice of heaven in Shasta CA that Joe and Karen where so very kind enough to share with...

Come October 2018, Dave and I will celebrate 33 years of marriage and 37 and 1/2 years of being a couple. Our wedding song, “You’re my home”, courtesy of Billy Joel, seems more apropos than ever. In case this one is obscure, the lyrics are: “When you look into my eyes  And you see the crazy gypsy in my soul  It always comes as a surprise  When I feel my withered roots begin to grow Well I never had a place  That I could call my very own  But that's all right my love  'Cause you're my home When you touch my weary head  And you tell me everything will...

Sorry for the long-winded title. The lack of good and quality sleep hasn’t defeated Dave. He carries on with excitement and joy in this journey despite feeling like a train has hit him. This next day the boyhood thrill of being able to see and walk on the Bonneville Salt Flats, after seven hours of driving, which are a 30,000 acre expanse of hard, white salt crust on the western edge of the Great Salt Lake basin in Utah, where many motor sport competitions have conquered land speed records, was realized. I think if I had said yes, Dave would have...

I ended the previous post with a … and a comment about a rough night of no sleep and a crazy day of driving the next. I will explain. As we drove towards the Manhattan Project National Historic Site and Taos on the previous days, these old eyes couldn’t help notice the BIG signs that indicated that trucks shouldn’t drive on this road called Route 4 that we passed to our left on our way exploring each day. Those kinds of signs don’t sit well with me. The night before we left Bandelier I asked Dave about the route he...

What a long drive we had leaving Vegas. Well, for us a long drive. When we google map our next destination, whatever it may be, and it tells us 5 hours, we need to add at the very least two hours. There are gas stops every 200+ miles, there are bathroom breaks, there are lunch requirements, leg and back stretching moments and something new to Dave, driving at or below the speed limit. So today, when google maps told us 5 hours, we plan for 7. A highlight for Dave was taking a quick ride on Route 66. So we...

Our quick stop overnight to grab Sara brought us to an over the top, lets cram in as many big rig rv’s as we possibly can, campground in Las Vegas NV. The good thing, probably the only one, was that we were super close to the airport. Sara’s flight was delayed a bit, but I finally got to hug one of my daughters and that made this place tolerable.     Next stop Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in Kanab Utah. Getting there from Vegas was interesting. We passed from Nevada, through Utah, than Arizona and back to Utah. Got to share...

I’m not one that understands mechanical things easily as in the “how does it work” scenario. We’ve definitely have had things we have learned along the way as we travel in our home on wheels. Like making sure the latch on the TV is secured at all travel times. Or a hose to the outdoor stove is tucked away before we close a slide, brake is on truck when we unhitch and vice versa, or in this instance, we must put absolutely nada in the the under belly compartment that houses our generator.  If you do, you may easily have...

Wanna laugh?  Remember I complained about the snow birds confiscating valuable campground real estate? Guess where we ended up outside of Phoenix. A 55+ RV community. He he!! We have become them. In my head I’m in my early twenties. Not sure how life has zipped by so fast that we have adult children and we qualify for discounts at Arby’s (shhhh, don’t tell Dave, he actually like this place), McDonald’s, IHOP, and an AARP membership. So we find ourselves at this super clean, super close to the highway campground, with a wonderful pool and jacuzzi that made us both very...